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HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF TV}HE EXPANSION BOX The box consists of two main elements, the Buffer Box and the Expansion Box Chassis. This doW}cument will concern itself with the hardware inside the Expansion Box Chassis as the Buffer Box is a simple signal X}buffer unit. The Expansion Chassis contains a backplane, for option connection, a power supply and I/O channels. Y} The I/O channels consist of two serial RS232C channels and one Centronics type parallel output port. These functionsZ} are created by two 68B50 ACIAs, one 68B21 PIA, and a BR1943 baud rate generator. Figure 1 shows the locations of t[}he devices in the memory map. All the devices respond to Parallel Bus Device #6. ------------\}----------------------- | Location | Device | -------------------]}---------------- | D100H | 68B50 Channel A | | D104H | 68B50 Cha^}nnel B | | D108H | 68B21 | | D110H | 1943 _} | ----------------------------------- Figure 1 `} Parallel Channel Description The Parallel channel uses a 68B21 PIA. There are 11 signals implementa}ed in the Centronics Interface. These signals are D0-D7, Data Strobe, Busy, and Fault. The data lines use port A in thb}e PIA and are output only. Data Strobe is an output line from port B bit 4 which is used to strobe data to the pric}nter. This signal should be active after data is stable and the printer is not busy. Busy is an input line of pord}t B bit 5. This input controls the flow of data to the printer; it should be checked before next data transmission. Fae}ult is an input of port B bit 6. This input indicates if the printer had a fault (ie. paper out) and should alwaysf} be checked. Figure 2 shows the port assignments for the PIA. The register types and control bits are the same asg} the standard Atari PIA used in current computers. -------------------------------------h}-------- | Port | Direction | Description | ----------------------------------i}----------- | A0 | Output | Data Bit 0 | | A1 | Output | Data Bij}t 1 | | A2 | Output | Data Bit 2 | | A3 | Output | Datak} Bit 3 | | A4 | Output | Data Bit 4 | | A5 | Output | Dl}ata Bit 5 | | A6 | Output | Data Bit 6 | | A7 | Output m}| Data Bit 7 | --------------------------------------------- | B0 | Input n} | DSR' Channel A | | B1 | Output | DTR' Channel A | | B2 | Outputo} | DTR' Channel B | | B3 | Input | DSR' Channel B | | B4 | Outp}put | Data Strobe' | | B5 | Input | Busy' | | B6 | q}Input | Fault' | | B7 | Not Used | Not Used | -------r}-------------------------------------- Figure 2 Baud Rates} Selection The baud rate for the two serial channels is created by a BR1943 baud rate generator. This device crt}eates two different baud rates using one write only register. The upper four bits of this register controls the bau}ud rate for Channel B, the lower four bits control Channel A. Figure 3 shows the four bit combinations for the 16 diffev}rent baud rates. Sel Value Baud Rate -------------------------w}---- | 0000 | 50 | | 0001 | 75 | x} | 0010 | 110 | | 0011 | 134.5 | y} | 0100 | 150 | | 0101 | 200 | | 0110z} | 300 | | 0111 | 600 | | 1000 | 12{}00 | | 1001 | 1800 | | 1010 | 2400 | |} | 1011 | 3600 | | 1100 | 4800 | }} | 1101 | 7200 | | 1110 | 9600 | | ~}1111 | 19200 | ----------------------------- Figure }3 Serial Channels The two serial channels are a full RS-232C type. Th}ese channels use the baud rates from above, handshake internal to the ACIA as well as extra handshake lines from th}e PIA. The ACIA operation is described below as well as register locations. The software should provide correct o}peration of the extra handshake lines for full modem control. ACIA REGISTERS DESCRIPTION } The ACIA has internal registers on the chip that are used for the status, control, receiving, and transmitting of da}ta. The content of each of the registers is summarized in Table 1. ---------------------------------------------}---------------- |Data|Transmit|Receive |Control |Status | |Bus |Data |Data |Register } |Register | | # |Register|Register| | | ---------------------------}---------------------------------- | 0 | Data 0 | Data 0 |C D Sel 1 CRO |RDRF | | 1 | Data 1 | Da}ta 1 |C D Sel 2 CR1 |TDRE | | 2 | Data 2 | Data 2 |Word Sel 1 CR2 |DCD' | | 3 | Da}ta 3 | Data 3 |Word Sel 2 CR3 |CTS' | | 4 | Data 4 | Data 4 |Word Sel 3 CR4 |Frame Error | }| 5 | Data 5 | Data 5 |Transmit Con 1 CR5|Receiver Overrun | | 6 | Data 6 | Data 6 |Transmit Con 2 CR6|Parity Error } | | 7 | Data 7 | Data 7 |Rec Int En CR7 |Interrupt Request| -------------------------------------------------}------------ Table 1 Definition of ACIA Register Contents } TRANSMIT DATA REGISTER (TDR) Data is written in the Transmit Data Register during the negative } transition of the enable (E) when the ACIA has been addressed and RS . R/W is selected. Writing data into the regi}ster causes the Transmit Data Register Empty bit in the Status Register to go low. Data can then be transmitted. }If the transmitter is idling and no character is being transmitted, then the transfer will take place within one bit } time of the trailing edge of the Write command. If a character is being transmitted, the new data character will comm}ence as soon as the previous character is complete. The transfer of data causes the Transmit Data Register Empty (}TDRE) bit to indicate empty. RECEIVE DATA REGISTER (RDR) Data is automatic}ally transferred to the empty Receive Data Register (RDR) from the receiver deserializer (a shift register) upon receivi}ng a complete character. This event causes the Receive Data Register Full bit (RDRF) in the status buffer to go hi}gh (full). Data may then be read through the bus by addressing the ACIA and selecting the Receive Data Register wi}th RS and R/W high when the ACIA is enabled. The non-destructive read cycle causes the RDRF bit to be cleared to empty } although the data is retained in the RDR. The status is maintained by RDRF as to whether or not the data is curren}t. When the Receive Data Register is full, the automatic transfer of data from the Receiver Shift Register to the }Data Register is inhibited and the RDR contents remain valid with its current status stored in the Status register. } CONTROL REGISTER The ACIA Control Register consists of eight bits of write-only buffer } that are selected when RS and R/W are low. This register controls the function of the receiver, transmitter, inter}rupt enables, and the Request-to-Send peripheral/modem control output. Counter Divide Select Bits (CR0 and CR1) }- The counter Divide Select Bits (CR0 and CR1) determine the divide ratios utilized in both the transmitter and rec}eiver sections of the ACIA. Additionally, these bits are used to provide a master reset for the ACIA which clears the } Status Register (except for external conditions on CTS and DCD) and initializes both the receiver and transmitter. }Master reset does not affect other Control Register bits. Note that after power-on or a power fail/restart, these }bits must be set high to reset the ACIA. After resetting, the clock divide ratio may be selected. These counter se}lect bits provide for the following clock divide ratios: ----------------------------- } | CR1 | CR0 | Function | ----------------------------- } | 0 | 0 | Divide by 1 | | 0 | 1 | Divide by 16 | | 1 | 0} | Divide by 64 | | 1 | 1 | Master Reset | -----------------------}------ Word Select Bits (CR2, CR3, and CR4) - The Word Select bits are used to select word length, parity, and} the number of stop bits. The encoding format is as follows: --------------------------}-------------------- |CR4|CR3|CR2| Function | -----------------------}----------------------- | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 Bits Even Parity 2 Stop Bits | | 0 | 0 | 1 | 7 Bits} Odd Parity 2 Stop Bits | | 0 | 1 | 0 | 7 Bits Even Parity 1 Stop Bit | | 0 | 1 | 1 | 7 B}its Odd Parity 1 Stop Bit | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 8 Bits 2 Stop Bits | | 1 | 0 | 1 | }8 Bits 1 Stop Bit | | 1 | 1 | 0 | 8 Bits Even Parity 1 Stop Bit | | 1 | 1 | 1} | 8 Bits Odd Parity 1 Stop Bit | ---------------------------------------------- Word length, Par}ity Select, and Stop Bit changes are not buffered and therefore become effective immediately. Transmitter Cont}rol Bits (CR5 and CR6) - Two Transmitter Control bits provide for the control of the interrupt from the Transmit data } Register Empty condition, the Request-to-Send (RTS) output, and the transmission of a Break level (space). The follo}wing encoding format is used: --------------------------------------- |CR6|C}R5|Function | --------------------------------------- | 0 | 0 |}RTS'=LOW Trans INT Disabled | | 0 | 1 |RTS'=LOW Trans INT Enabled | | 1 | 0 |RTS}'=HIGH Trans INT Disabled | | 1 | 1 |RTS'=LOW Trans a BREAK CHAR | ---------------}------------------------ Receive Interrupt Enable Bit (CR7) - The following interrupts will be enabled by a hig}h level in bit position 7 of the Control Register (CR7): Receive Data Register Full, Overrun, or a low to high tra}nsition on the Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signal line. STATUS REGISTER Information} on the status of the ACIA is available to the MPU by reading the ACIA Status Register. This read-only register is sele}cted when RS is low and R/W is high. Information stored in this register indicates the status of the Transmit Data} Register, the Receive Data Register and error logic, and the peripheral/modem status inputs of the ACIA. } Receive Data Register Full (RDRF), Bit 0 - Receive Data Register Full indicates that received data has been} transferred to the Receive Data Register. RDRF is cleared after an MPU read of the Receive Data Register or by a }master reset. The cleared or empty state indicates that the contents of the Receive Data Register are not current. Dat}a Carrier Detect being high also causes RDRF to indicate empty. Transmit Data Register Empty (TDRE), Bit 1 - The} Transmit Data Register Empty bit being set high indicates that the Transmit Data Register contents have been trans}ferred and that new data may be entered. The low state indicates that the register is full and that transmission o}f a new character has not begun since the last write data command. Data Carrier Detect (DCD), Bit 2 - The Data C}arrier Detect bit will be high when the DCD input from a modem has gone high to indicate that a carrier is not pres}ent. This bit going high causes an Interrupt Request to be generated when the Receive Interrupt Enable is set. It } remains high after the DCD input is returned low until cleared by first reading the Status Register and then the Data R}egister or until a master reset occurs. If the DCD input remains high after read status and read data or master re}set has occured, the interrupt is cleared, the DCD status bit remains high and will follow the DCD input. Clear-}to-Send (CTS), Bit 3 - The Clear-to-Send bit indicates the state of the Clear-to-Send input from a modem. A low CTS ind}icates that there is a Clear-to-Send from the modem. In the high state, the Transmit Data Register Empty bit is in}hibited and the Clear-to-Send status bit will be high. Master reset does not affect the Clear-to-Send Status bit. } Framing Error (FE), Bit 4 - Framing error indicates that the received character is improperly framed by a start }and a stop bit and is detected by the absence of the 1st stop bit. This error indicates a synchronization error, f}aulty transmission, or a break condition. The framing error flag is set or reset during the receive data transfer }time. Therefore, this error indicator is present throughout the time that the associated character is available. } Receiver Overrun (OVRN), Bit 5 - Overrun is an error flag that indicates that one or more characters in the data strea}m were lost. That is, a character or a number of characters were received but not read from the Receive Data Regist}er (RDR) prior to subsequent characters being received. The overrun condition begins at the midpoint of the last b}it of the second character received in succession without a read of the RDR having occurred. The Overrun does not occur} in the Status Register until the valid character prior to Overrun has been read. The RDRF bit remains set until t}he Overrun is reset. Character synchronization is maintained during the Overrun condition. The Overrun indication i}s reset after the reading of data from the Receive Data Register or by a Master Reset. Parity Erro}r (PE), Bit 6 - The parity error flag indicates that the number of highs (ones) in the character does not agree with the} preselected odd or even parity. Odd parity is defined to be when the total number of ones is odd. The parity err}or indication will be present as long as the data character is in the RDR. If no parity is selected, then both the} transmitter parity generator output and the receiver parity check results are inhibited. Interrupt Request (IRQ}), Bit 7 - The IRQ bit indicates the state of the IRQ output. Any interrupt condition with its applicable enable w}ill be indicated in this status bit. Anytime the IRQ output is low the IRQ bit will be high to indicate the interrupt o}r service request status. IRQ is cleared by a read operation to the Receive Data Register or a write operation to }the Transmit Data Register. Expansion Box Specifications } 7/27/83 1.0 Introduction The Expansion Box will be a buffered extension of the Parallel Bus Interface} (P.B.I.) allowing system expansion and enhancement. The bus will enable the consumer to connect a variety of different} devices to the Parallel Bus Interface. Some future devices are listed below. 1) Disk Drive Controller-* } 2) Votrax- 3) Modem (300 and/or 1200)-* 4) Touch Tone Decoder- 5) EPROM Programmer- 6) B.S.R. Co}ntroller Interface- 7) Relay Switch Card- 8) IEEE 488 Control Card-* 9) Real Time Clock- 10) 80 Co}lumn Display-* 11) Printer Spooler/Buffer- 12) APPLE Card-* 13) VCS Adapter Card-* 14) A/D Converter }Card-* 15) Infra Red Interface-* 16) Hard Disk Interface-* 17) Music Card- 18) Speech Recognition-* } 19) Ram Disk-* 20) Battery Back-up CMOS RAM- 21) Corvus Interface-* 22) Ethernet Interface-* * }indicates a smart device. 1.1 Product Objectives A. To provide future system expansion. B. To provide m}ultiple device access to the P.B.I. C. To provide an interface standard to envoke interest from peripheral manufa}cturers in developing P.B.I. Devices. 1.2 References Sweet 16 Expansion Box Specification, A. Chopra P.}B.I. Specification, S. Miller SURELY O.S. Rom Specification, S. Scheiman R. Nordin Software Implementation of P}arallel Devices, R. Nordin 2.0 Product Description The Expansion Box will provide two RS-232C Seria}l Channels and one Centronics type Parallel Output Port in addition to eight (8) expansion slots. The connection t}o the XL-Series computer is made through the Parallel Bus Interface. Devices that plug into the P.B.I. are called }Parallel Bus Devices (P.B.D.). The Expansion Box is a P.B.D.. The Interface in the Expansion Box to the expansion devi}ces is called the Expansion Box Interface (E.B.I.). Modules that plug into the expansion slots will be called Expa}nsion Box Devices (E.B.D.). 2.1 Mechanical 2.1.1 Appearance The Expansion Box should match the styling }of the current XL product line. The Box should have all connections from devices, power, and bus signals in the re}ar of the box. The power switch and power indicator light should be placed on the front panel. 2.2.2 Design Conc}epts The Expansion Box should not require more than one square foot of table space. It should also be able to s}upport a 13 inch color television. The top must be easily removable so the user can access the option cards, but n}ot be able to access the power supply or come in contact with the Line Voltage. The Box will support eight 9 by 5 inch } option cards (see figure 1). ------------------------------ - | } | | | | | | } | | | | | }| 5 | | | | | } | | | | | | } ------------------ ----- - | | } --------- |1/2| | <- 3.15} ->| | <----------- 9 ----------> | (all measurements are in inches) } Figure 1 P.B.D. Card Size 2.2 Electrical 2.2.1 Expansion Box Interface } The E.B.I. contains all the signals in the P.B.I. plus power for the E.B.D.. The description of the E.B.I. in this doc}ument is similar to that of the P.B.I. but note the differences in timing and loading. Connector }The Expansion Box Interface signals will be accessible through a 50-pin connector. This connector is an AMP type 67987- }4. It will mate to a standard card edge with gold plated fingers at .100 inch centers. } -------- EXTSEL' |2 1| GND A1 |4 3| A0 A }3 |6 5| A2 A5 |8 7| A4 GND |10 9| A6 } A8 |12 11| A7 A10 |14 13| A9 A12 |16 15| A11 } A14 |18 17| A13 A15 |20 19| GND D1 |22 21| D0 } D3 |24 23| D2 D5 |26 25| D4 D7 |28 2 }7| D6 GND |30 29| GND GND |32 31| B02 RST' } |34 33| +5 VDC RDY |36 35| IRQ' EXTENB' |38 37| -12 VDC } REF' |40 39| +12 VDC GND |42 41| CAS' RAS' |44 43| }MPD' LR/W' |46 45| GND +5 VDC |48 47| +5 VDC GND } |50 49| AUDIO -------- Figure 2 Expansion Socket } Signals Shown in Figure 2 is the pin-out of the connector looking into the expansion box. The signal pin numbe }rs and signal names are described below. Pin 2 EXTSEL' External Select (Input) ==> This open co }llector line is generated internally by the Expansion Box Device (E.B.D.). This signal should be active low wheneve }r EXTENB is active and the E.B.D. is selected and there is a valid E.B.D. address on the bus. EXTSEL' causes a CAS' } inhibit on the main board allowing a remapping process. Although an E.B.D. can be mapped in any VALID RAM location, } these devices should follow the ATARI guidelines for E.B.D. locations so future ATARI devices can be used. The drive } device should be capable of sinking 10mA. Pin 3 A0 Address Line 0 (Output) ==> Address line 0 is a buffered } output from the microprocessor. Pin 4 A1 Address Line 1. Same as above. Pin 5 A2 Address Line }2. Same as above. Pin 6 A3 Address Line 3. Same as above. Pin 7 A4 Address Line 4. Same as above. } Pin 8 A5 Address Line 5. Same as above. Pin 9 A6 Address Line 6. Same as above. Pin 11 A7 } Address Line 7. Same as above. Pin 12 A8 Address Line 8. Same as above. Pin 13 A9 Address Line 9. }Same as above. Pin 14 A10 Address Line 10. Same as above. Pin 15 A11 Address Line 11. Same as above. } Pin 16 A12 Address Line 12. Same as above. Pin 17 A13 Address Line 13. Same as above. Pin 18 A14 } Address Line 14. Same as above. Pin 20 A15 Address Line 15. Same as above. Pin 21 D0 Data Line 0 (Bi }-directional) ==> Data line 0 is a buffered bi-directional data line. Pin 22 D1 Data Line 1. Same as above. } Pin 23 D2 Data Line 2. Same as above. Pin 24 D3 Data Line 3. Same as above. Pin }25 D4 Data Line 4. Same as above. Pin 26 D5 Data Line 5. Same as above. Pin 27 D6 Data Line 6. sa }me as above. Pin 28 D7 Data Line 7. Same as above. Pin 31 B02 Buffered Phase 2 Clock (Output) ==> This } clock output line is a buffered phase 2 clock from the processor. Pin 34 RST' Reset (Output) ==> Reset is an } active low signal which occurs either on power-up or by depressing the reset key on the computer. Pin 35 }IRQ' Interrupt Request (Input) ==> This open collector line creates an interrupt on the microprocessor. The interrupt !} can then invoke the handler ROM or other service routines for the E.B.D.. The driving device should be capable of "} sinking 10mA. Pin 36 RDY Ready (Input) ==> This open collector input signal allows the E.B.D. to halt the mi #}croprocessor ONLY during read cycles. This will extend the read cycle for slow peripherals. The driving device sho $}uld be capable of sinking 10mA. Pin 38 EXTENB External Decoder Enable (Output) ==> This output goes high when %} there is a valid ram access. Any E.B.D. can map during a valid EXTENB but the E.B.D. should only map in according to A &}TARI specified address locations. Pin 40 REF' Refresh (Output) ==> This output can be for refresh timing '} on volatile memories connected to the E.B.I.. Pin 41 CAS' Column Address Strobe (Output) ==> This output can be (} used for access of DRAM external to the computer. Due to timing restrictions caution should be taken when using thi )}s signal in the expansion box. Pin 43 MPD' Math Pack Disable (Input) ==> This open collector input is us *}ed to disable the math pack section of the OS ROM (D800H-DFFFH). This should be done when the E.B.D. is selected and ha +}s a handler resident. The driving device should be capable of sinking 10mA. Pin 44 RAS' Row Address Str ,}obe (Output) ==> This output can be used for access of DRAM external to the computer. Due to timing restrictions c -}aution should be taken when using this signal in the expansion box. Pin 46 LR/W' Latched Read Write (Output) .}==> This output is active high for a read cycle and active low for a write cycle. Pin 49 AUDIO /} Audio In (Input) ==> This line is tied directly to the audio summation network of the computer. The audio signal input 0} is 100 mV peak to peak with 4.7K ohm source impedance. Pins 1,10,19,29,30,32,42,45,50 are Ground (GND). 1} Pins 33,47,48 are +5 Volts. Pin 37 is -12 Volts. Pin 39 is +12 Volts. Interface Requirements 2} For peripherals to interface through the E.B.I. to the computer the following requirements must be followed. 3} D.C. Characteristics All E.B.I. outputs from the Buffer Box have the capability of driving TTL loa 4}d. All E.B.I. open collector input lines must be able to sink 10mA (min) at .4V (max). All E.B.I. non-op 5}en collector input lines except AUDIO must have the drive capability of 48mA at logic 0 (Iol) and -15mA at logic 1 (Ioh) 6}. All E.B.I. signals except AUDIO will be at standard TTL logic levels. The AUDIO input line must drive a 4.7 7}K Ohm source impedance with a 100mV peak to peak signal. Hardware Device Protocol The E.B.I. is d 8}esigned to support two types of devices. The first is an Expansion Box Peripheral (E.B.P.) and the second is an Externa 9}l Application Cartridge (E.A.C.). Expansion Bus Peripherals (E.B.P.) The E.B.P.s have the follo :}wing characteristics: 1. The interface between the E.B.P. and the CPU is defined through the handler/OS residen ;}t in the OS ROM. The OS can support 8 devices at one time with only one enabled during any given interval. <} 2. Every E.B.P. has a unique handler that resides in the CPU memory from D800H-DFFFH. The ROMS containing the =} code for these handlers are physically resident on the respective E.B.P.s. To access this handler, the math pack >}must be disabled with MPD'. When the math pack is disabled (this should happen whenever the E.B.P. is selected and has ?}an external handler) the computer will generate EXTENB for the math pack area. The E.B.P. must generate the correc @}t EXTENB/EXTSEL' protocol. If the device does not generate EXTSEL' the CPU will access (in the 64K computers) an un A}used area of ram. This area should not be used since all computers of this series do not have that area of ram. B} 3. The location D1FFH in the CPU memory map is reserved for passing control information between the CPU and the E.B.P. C}s. The CPU selects one of the E.B.P. devices by writing a "1" into the desired bit in location D1FFH. The device D}can be deselected by writing a "0" into the desired bit. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 E} ----------------------------------------- | D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 | F} ----------------------------------------- Therefore the CPU can then access 8 devices, one at a time G}. If the IRQ' line is pulled "low" the CPU can read the status for location D1FFH and locate the requesting E.B.P. H}. A "1" in a bit Ix (where x=0 to 7) corresponds to an interrupt in E.B.P. x. If the bit is a "0" then the device I} has not caused the interrupt. The E.B.P. must clear the interrupt flag when the interrupt is being serviced. J} 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ----------------------------------------- K} | I7 | I6 | I5 | I4 | I3 | I2 | I1 | I0 | ----------------------------------------- 4. A L}n E.B.P. should assert MPD' only when it is selected. An E.B.P. should assert EXTSEL' only when it is selected and if E M}XTENB' is asserted. 5. An E.B.P. may respond to any selects D0 through D7. It is recommended that the E.B N}.P.s have configuration switches to allow them to respond to any one of the selects. Some of the computer systems use O} the E.B.I. to support internal devices therefore the user should check each manual for device locations. If the sys P}tem has devices in specific locations, those are reserved in that computer. 6. An E.B.P. handler may respond to Q} addresses in the region D800H-DFFFH only when it is selected. 7. A peripheral may respond to addresses in the R}region D100H to D1FEH only when selected. 8. The E.B.P.s will have software priority over the SIO peripheral S} when they are addressed generically. 9. Data transfer between the CPU and the E.B.P. is under the con T}trol of the peripheral handler for the E.B.P.s. The peripheral handler may or may not be in the E.B.P. Data trans U}fer is handled by a combination of code in the O.S. and the E.B.P. 10. The E.B.P.s shall work if a cartridge is V} present in the cartridge slot. 11. The CPU address space from D600H to D7FFH is reserved for E.B.I. devic W}es as follows: Device Range Size ------ ----- ---- X} D0 D600H-D61FH 32 Bytes D1 D620H-D63FH 32 Bytes Y} D2 D640H-D65FH 32 Bytes D3 D660H-D67FH 32 Bytes Z}D4 D680H-D69FH 32 Bytes D5 D6A0H-D6BFH 32 Bytes D6 D6 [}C0H-D6DFH 32 Bytes D7 D6E0H-D6FFH 32 Bytes The region from D700H to D7FFH is rese \}rved for use by ATARI. The CPU address space from D600H to D7FFH is always mapped to the E.B.I. and does not requi ]}re the EXTENB/EXTSEL' protocol. Some units may have devices mapped on the E.B.I.; these devices are only active when ^} selected but care must be taken when using a unit with onboard devices. External Application Cartridges _} The "External Application Cartridge" (EAC) is a generalization of the E.B.P.. They have the following characteri `}stics: 1. An EAC can reside at any or all of the locations in the region 0000H to BFFFH for which the EXTENB is a} generated. They may respond to these addresses only when "opened". 2. The EACs must be opened by the protocol b} given for the E.B.P.s. 3. The EACs must conform to the EXTENB/EXTSEL' protocol. 4. The EACs must have a ha c}ndler (resident at location D800H-DFFFH) that controls their operation. The EACs must conform to conditions (4) th d}rough (11) of section III. B. above. 5. The EACs will work if a cartridge is present in the internal cartridge e}slot. 2.2.2 I/O Channels The expansion box contains two RS-232C serial channels and one C f}entronics type parallel printer channel. Both the serial and parallel channels are preset to device #6. This device ca g}nnot be used in the Expansion Box. Serial Channel Description The Expansion Box will have two RS- q}GB%DOS SYSB*)DUP SYSB-S1090XL TEX232C Asynchronous serial channels capable of simultaneous two way communication. Both channels should be addressab r}le through software via CIO using the same format as the serial channels in the ATARI 850. The baud rate will be softwa s}re selectable from 16 baud rates (see Table 1). The baud rates of the two channels are to be independent of each o t}ther. Sel Value Baud Rate ---------------------------- u} | 0000 | 50 | | 0001 | 75 | v} | 0010 | 110 | | 0011 | 134.5 | | 0100 | w} 150 | | 0101 | 200 | | 0110 | 300 | x} | 0111 | 600 | | 1000 | 1200 | y} | 1001 | 1800 | | 1010 | 2400 | | z} 1011 | 3600 | | 1100 | 4800 | | 1101 | 7 {}200 | | 1110 | 9600 | | 1111 | 19200 | |} ---------------------------- Table 1 Baud Rate Selection Chart P }}arallel Channel Description The basic Parallel Channel is to support a Centronics type parallel printer. To do ~}this the following signals are supported. D0-D7 Data Lines DS' Data Strobe BUSY Busy Inp }ut FA' Fault Input 2.2.3 Buffer Box To allow connection to the XL-series computer, th }e Expansion Box will use a buffer box connected to the back of the computer. This Buffer Box will be able to drive } a 3 foot long cable and the Expansion Box. The power used by the Buffer Box will be supplied by the Expansion Box }on the Reserved Pins of the cable. The connectors used will be the standard 50 pin P.B.I. connectors. 2.2.4 Powe }r Supply The Expansion Box power supply will have sufficient output to drive each slot with .75 Amps at +5 VDC, }.1 Amps at +12 VDC, and .1 Amps at -12 VDC. Table 2 shows max operating current limits of the supply. A fan might } be necessary to provide cooling in the Expansion Box. +5 VDC 6.75 Amps } +12 VDC 1.0 Amps -12 VDC 1.0 Amps } Table 2 2.3 Software 2.3.1 Expansion Bus Protocol The Software handlers and application programs writ }ten for use with/in the Expansion Box must follow standard Protocol defined by "The Software Implementation of Para }llel Device Handlers and Drivers" by Rick Nordin. A Designers guide to interfacing devices to the PBI and Expansio }n Box will also contain the required documentation concerning the protocol. 2.3.2 I/O Channel Handlers Th }e handler used in the Expansion Box I/O channel will conform to the above specifications as well as providing support fo }r the printer as a standard CIO device call. 2.4 Product Performance This section will specify the projec }ted performance of the Expansion Box. The environmental and reliability information that is included is targeted f }rom the Sweet 16 specification. 2.4.1 Environmental Operating Environment Temperature = } Maximum: 45 degrees C Minimum: 10 degrees C Humidity = Maximum: 90% }R.H. (Non Condensing) Minimum: 15% R.H. Altitude = Maximum: 3000 Meters (9840 feet) }(720 millibars) Minimum: -60 Meters (-197 feet) below sea level Non-Operating Environment T }emperature = Maximum: 60 degrees C Minimum: -30 degrees C Humidity = Maximum: } 90% R.H. Minimum: 0% R.H. Should condensing occur, unit must be dried off before operation. } Altitude = Same as operating 2.4.2 Endurance Levels ESD Susceptibility No product dam }age or data loss with 10 KV to 20 KV discharge at any point accessible to the user except the connectors. Vibra }tion Operation: .1g +- 10% 5 to 500Hz Resonance Search: Sine scan 5-100 Hz dwell on resonances } 1.0g for 10 minutes. Transportation: 100 to 300 cycles per minute 2 directions 90 degre }es apart, 30 minutes; each frequency to be such as to raise package from the table 0.06 in., acceleration to be 1.0g (mi }n) No Damage should result. Impact Test: Free fall distance of 24 in. on corner, edge, and } all 6 faces. No damage should occur to a packed unit. Random Vibration: 0.04g 2Hz 15 minutes; 10 to 1000Hz 6.3 }g RMS Thermal Shock: 10 degrees C for 3 hours power on raise temperature, 5 degrees per minute to 45 degree }s C for 5 hours power off drop temperature 5 degrees C per minute to 10 degrees C. Repeat cycle 5 times no damage } 2.4.3 MTBF & MTTR The targeted MTBF for the Expansion Box is 8000 hours continuous power-on at 25 degrees } C. The targeted MTTR for the unit is 5 minutes. 2.4.4 Compliances UL 114 & UL 94HB CSA C22.2 N }o. 154 FCC Docket 20780, Part 15, Subpart J, Class B Expansion Box Specifications } 10/14/83 Below are the changes to the document of the same name dated 7/27/83. } 1.2 Assumptions 1.2.1 Product Reasoning This product is intended to add a strategic marketing dimension to } the Atari home computer line by providing expansion capability. 1.2.2 Manufacturing It is assumed that t }he Expansion Box will be manufactured by some, as yet unspecified, overseas vendor. 1.2.3 Strategic Fit T }his product is intended to broaden Atari's image as a complete computer supplier. This is done by offering an expansion } path for computer users to grow with their systems. A line of option cards will allow even the most sophisticated } users to advance to an advanced system. 1.2.4 Product History As of the date of this document the expans }ion box has been redefined as a smart device rather than an extension of the Parallel Interface Bus. This was done } to facilitate third party vendors in the implementation of option cards. This will also allow for easy interfacin }g of the Expansion Box to the current 400/800 installed base. This choice should create added sales of this device as we }ll as showing the public Atari will not leave current users unsupported! In addition to the above features, a RFI }problem is also reduced creating a faster path to bring the product to market. 1.3 References Sweet 16 Ex }pansion Box Specification, A. Chopra P.B.I. Specification, S. Miller SURELY O.S. Rom Specification, S. Scheiman }, R. Nordin Software Implementation of Parallel Devices, R. Nordin Sweetpea Product Specification, D. Lang } JULIE FIFO Specification, S. Miller Hardware Device Protocol The hardware protocol fo }r the Expansion Box is similar to the Expansion Bus Interface on the computer in that each card is selected through } a common register. There will also be device handlers on each card in a fixed location of memory. The bus timing is c }onfigured so any type of device can be easily interfaced to the Expansion Box. For complete interfacing requiremen }ts a third party vendor document will be created with examples of interfacing methods. 2.2.3 Processor Card } CPU The CPU for the Expansion Box will use a 6502 operating at 1 MHz. This is done for software compat }ibility with current developmental tools. The placement of the CPU on a card allows the user to swap other CPU car }ds for the 6502 card. ROM There is provision for 8 K Bytes of monitor Rom on the processor card. } This ROM can also be disabled by asserting ROMDIS' line on the bus. The ROM will be located at E000H-FFFFH. 2.2 }.3.3 RAM There is provision for 2 K Bytes of general purpose RAM on the processor card. The RAM can be disabled } by asserting RAMDIS' line. This will allow for remapping of page 0 and 1 to swap tasks in and out without moving l }arge areas of memory. The RAM will be located at the bottom of the memory space. Serial Channel Descript }ion The processor card will have two RS-232C asynchronous serial channels, capable of simultaneous two way commu }nication. Both channels are addressable through the CIO in the operating system of the Atari computer. The baud r }ates for the channels are found in table 1. Both channels have independent transmit and receive baud rates. One of the } two serial ports will be jumperable to allow operation as a SIO port for operation with current Atari 400/800 unit }s. BAUD RATES 50 75 110 134.5 150 200 300 600 } 1050 1200 1800 2000 2400 4800 7200 9600 19200 38400 } Table 1 Bus Interface The Bus Interface for the processor card will support the load require }ments of the Expansion Bus and follow the protocol of the Bus timing. 2.2.4 Computer Interface The Expans }ion Box will interface with the Atari XL product line through an interface unit connected to the Parallel Expansion Bus. } The interface unit will contain a JULIE FIFO interface chip designed to allow communications between the XL compu }ters and the Expansion Box. In addition the interface unit will have a 2K handler rom for the P.B.I. and one LS-TTL } decoder chip. Power for the interface unit will be provided by the expansion box. The Interface will be connected to } the Expansion Box via a 26 conductor double shielded cable. The cable is to be 3 feet in total length. 2.2. }5 Power Supply Shown below are the total power requirements. +5 VDC 4.5 Amps +12 VDC 0.5 }Amps -12 VDC 0.5 Amps +9 VDC 0.2 Amps unregulated 2.2.6 Memory Map } FFFF +----+ | | | | 8K System ROM | | } E000 +----+ | | I/O Space D000 +----+ | | App }le Board Space C000 +----+ | | | | A000 | } | | | | | 8000 | | | | } 6000 | | Free Memory Space | | 4000 | | | } | 2000 | | | | 0800 +----+ 2K RAM 0000 +-- }--+ System Map DFFF +----+ Device select and INT status | } | | | DC00 | | | | | | } D800 | | Open Device I/O Area | | | | D400 | } | | | | | +----+ | | CPU } Interface, UART, Parallel Printer D000 +----+ I/O Map 3.0 Fut }ure Enhancements The future enhancements include a SIO card to allow operation with the current Atari 400/800 li }ne as well as the option cards stated in the introduction. As of this document no option cards are defined. 4.0 }Cost Targets The targeted standard cost for this unit is $125. This cost will include the processor card with 2 } serial channels and the interface to the current XL product line. 5.0 Packaging 5.1 Inner Packing } The inner packing must protect the Expansion Box and accessories from 10 drops from 24 inches on any of six surfaces, t }hree edges radiating from one corner without any internal damage. The inner packing must also protect the Expansio }n Box and accessories from vibrations of 30 minutes each, 2 directions 90 degrees apart, 100-300 cycles per minute. } Packing must leave the surface 0.06 inches at some time, again leaving no damage. 5.2 Display Carton The } display carton should be a six sided 24 pt. SBS (white chipboard) folding carton, printed in 4 colors plus PMS877 silve }r, with UV or other abrasion resistance coating. All graphics will be specified by Atari. 5.3 Shrink Wrap } The fully packaged product will be shrink wrapped to prevent damage and pilferage. 5.4 Shipping Carton } The weight and type of corrugate as well as the number of products per shipping carton are to be specified by Atari }. 5.5 Carton Contents * Expansion Box Unit * Interface Unit for XL computers * In }terface Cable * 2 RS-232C Cables * Processor Card * Owners Manual and Warranty card * Atari produ }cts catalog 5.6 Product Name The proposed official name is "Atari Expansion Box". 6.0 Manual Requiremen }ts The unit will include an owners manual to be specified by Atari. Expansion Box Spe }cifications 5/11/84 Below are the changes to the documents of the same na }me dated 7/27/83 and 10/14/83 respectively. 1.0 Introduction The Expansion Box is an exten }sion device providing support of expansion cards for the Atari Computer line. This device provides Atari } systems with expansion and enhancement. The bus enables the consumer to connect a variety of different }devices to the Expansion Box Interface (E.B.I.). Some devices are listed below. 1) RAM EXPANSION } 2) SERIAL/PARALLEL INTERFACE 3) Z-80 PROCESSOR 4) 80-COLUMN VIDEO MONITOR INTERFACE } 5) HOBBYIST PROTOTYPING CARD 2.1.1 Appearance The Expansion Box matches the styling of the curren }t XL product line. The Box has all connections to devices and power in the rear of the box. A flat cabl }e (connected to the front of the box) connects the Expansion Box to all PBI-equipped computers. } 2.1.2 Design Concepts The Expansion Box requires less than one square foot of table space. The top } is easily removable so the user can access the option cards. The Box supports five 9 by 5 inch option c }ards. To remove the top of the box, the AC adaptor must be unplugged from the box. 2.2.1 Architectural } Overview The expansion box contains a triple-output power supply providing regulated +12 volts and -1 }2 volts and +10 volts unregulated. Also provided is a half-wave rectified AC waveform (for power-line fr }equency reference only) and +5 volts (for reference only). The address bus, data bus and control lines } are buffered by the expansion box and bussed to the five edge connectors provided. } Connector The Expansion Box Interface signals are accessible through a 50-pin connector. }This connector is an AMP type 2-530843-9. It mates to a standard card edge with gold plated fingers at . }100 inch centers. D.C. Characteristics All E.B.I. outputs have the drive capability of 24m }A at logic 0 (Iol) and -6mA at logic 1 (Ioh). All E.B.I. open collector input lines must be able to si }nk 10mA (min) at .4V (max). All E.B.I. non-open collecotr input lines except AUDIO must have } the drive capability of 24mA at logic 0 (Iol) and -6mA at logic 1 (Ioh). All E.B.I. signals except AU }DIO will be at standard TTL logic levels. The AUDIO input line must drive a 4.7KOhm source impedance } with a 100mV peak to peak signal. Each expansion box card should not load any E.B.I. output l }ine with more than three standard TTL loads. A.C. Characteristics All specifications are r }eferenced to the standard 2 MHz 6502 specifications. The signal PHASE2 is the 6502 clock at the proces }sor. Materials Requirements Contact fingers shall be plated with nickel of the l }ow-stress type, Class II per federal specification QQ-N290A. Nickel plate thickness shall be 100 +/- 25 microinches }. The nickel plating shall be overplated with gold type II (23+ karat), 15 microinches minimum (130-200 }knoop hardness) or 10 microinches minimum (201 or over knoop hardness). Impurities shall not exceed .1%, } not including metallic hardeners. Roughness shall be less than 50 microinches. 2.2.3 Pow }er Supply The power supply is comprised of an external AC adaptor capable of providing 40VA at 9.5 vAC } to the Expansion Box and an internal rectifier/filter/regulator system. This system provides: } +10 vDC UNREGULATED (+40% or -15%) at .5A per card slot. +12 vDC REGULATED (+ or - 4%) at 30mA per card slo }t. -12 vDC REGULATED (+ or - 4%) at 30mA per card slot. +5 VREF REGULATED (+ or - 4%) as a referenc }e only. AC - a 60 Hz reference only. Total supply current capacity is five times the per card } slot amounts. It is recommended that the Expansion Box NOT be operated with the cover removed for }safety reasons and to comply with radiated emissions standards. 3.0 Notes 3.1 RAM 64KMR } The RAM 64KMR module is designed to be used in the expansion box. However, it does not completely adhere } to the E.B.I. protocol since it will allow RAM to be selected in lieu of the O/S (when used in the "1064 } mode".) 3.2 RESERVED MEMORY LOCATIONS The memory space from D100H to D1AFH is available for use } by most applications. This space should be used by a device with the device select bit enabling its use. I }f the device select bit is not used, there is potential bus conflict between E.B.D.s. The remainder of t }he I/O space between D1B0H and D1FFH is mapped as follows: D1B0H - D1C7H Speech/Modem/Disk Registers } D1C8H - D1CEH Atari Reserved D1CFH Alternate Interrupt Register (1450 only) }D1D0H - D1DFH Audio Registers D1E0H - D1E7H Atari Reserved D1E8H - D1EFH Parallel/Serial Regist }ers D1F0H - D1F7H Alternate CPU Registers D1F8H - D1FDH 80 Column Video Registers D1F }EH RAM Bank Select Register D1FFH E.B.D. Select/Interrupt Register } PARALLEL BUS INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS 1.0 Introduction: The Parallel Bus Interface (PBI) is provided on t }he S-16 to support high speed peripherals, communication devices and cartridges. The objective of the PBI is two }-fold: (1) To provide for future system improvement and expansion of the S-16. (2) To provide a simpli }fied interface standard that will envoke interest from peripheral manufacturers in making peripherals for the S-16. } The physical connection of the peripherals to the S-16 is conceived of being through a unit called the "Expansi }on Box". Roughly, the "Expansion Box" provides a low cost, easy-to-use multiple access mechanism to the PBI. It c }onsists of electronics necessary to implement the interface protocol between the CPU and the Parallel Bus periphera }ls. Further details of the Expansion box are TBD. This document gives a logical definition of the pins on the PBI. }It defines the characteristics of devices that can be supported on the PBI. The electrical specifications o }f the PBI signals and the details of the PBI protocol are in the S-16 Product Specification. 2.0 THE PARALLEL BU }S INTERFACE The Parallel Bus Interface Connector is a 50 pin connector (See figure 5.2.9) with the following sig }nals. PIN 3 through PIN 18 are A0 through A15 respectively. These are the CPU address lines. The CPU addresses } the Parallel Bus Interface devices using these lines. PIN 19 through PIN 26 are D0 through D7 respectively. Th !}ese are the processor data lines. The CPU transmits and receives data and control information from the Parallel Bu "}s Interface devices on these lines. PINS 35, 36, and 37: are COMM A, COMM B, and COMM C select lines respectivel #}y. The Parallel Bus Interface devices lie in the CPU memory map. Three 256 byte segments of the CPU memory map are res $}erved for control of the parallel bus devices. COMM A selects the segment from D600 to D6FF. COMM B selects the s %}egment from D700 to D7FF. COMM C selects the segment from D100 to D1FF. COMM A, COMM B, and COMM C are low when a &}ctive. PIN 31 is for the Buffered Phase 2 Clock (B02) Output to the Parallel Bus Interface devices. '} PINS 2, 44, 45, and 46 are not connected. PIN 29 is the IRQ (Interrupt Request) input from the Parallel Bus (} Interface devices. A PBI device can pull this input low to invoke the device handler that services the parallel bu )}s device. This input is "open drain". PIN 32 is the Read/Write (R/W) Output to the Parallel Bus Interface *}devices. This line is "high" for a read cycle. It is low for a write cycle. PIN 34 is the PoWeR ON (PWRON) Inp +}ut from the Parallel Bus Interface devices. This input will allow the implementation of the "auto-wakeup" feature ,}in future enhancements of the S-16. This signal is "low" when active. PIN 38 is reserved for future expansion. -} PIN 33 is Power on Reset (POR) ouput to the Parallel Bus Interface devices. This output resets any device so de .}signed on power up and when the RESET key on the S-16 keyboard is hit. PIN 49 is audio in and out signal from/to /} the Parallel Bus devices. This line is connected directly to the audio summation network of the S-16. This audio 0}signal is a 1 volt peak to peak. PIN 39 is the MODSEN (Module Sense) input from the Parallel Bus Interface Modul 1}es. This input is pulled low whenever a Parallel Bus Interface module is connected to the PBI. PINS 47 and 48 a 2}re GROUND. PIN 28 is External Decoder Enable (EXTENB) Output. This output goes high when an address on the CPU 3}bus is an allowed address for a PBI device. The S-16 generates the EXTENB signal for all segments of the CPU memor 4}y map except: (a) The Active segments of the O.S. ROM. Any disabled segments of the O.S. ROM generate the EXTE 5}NB signal when addressed. (b) The region occupied by the internal cartridge (if present). PIN 27 is the Exte 6}rnal Select (EXTSEL) Input. This input is generated by the (external) decoder resident in the PBI device. This si 7}gnal should go low whenever the EXTENB is enabled and the PBI device uses the address generated on the CPU Bus. This in 8}put is used to disable the S-16 decoder for the duration of the current bus cycle. PIN 30 is the R 9}DY input to the S-16. A slow PBI device can extend the CPU bus cycle by pulling this line low when it is addressed. :} PIN 40 is the Refresh (REF) output. This output may be used for the refresh timing of volitile memories connected ;}to the PBI. PIN 1 and PIN 50 are shield grounds. PIN 41 is Auto-run Present (ARP) pin. This pin goes high wh <}enever an auto-run cartridge is present at the PBI. All auto-run cartridges should pull this line to the "high" st =}ate internally. PIN 42 is Auto-run Disable (ARD) pin. This pin goes high whenever a cartridge is present in the >} internal cartridge slot. The Auto-run cartridge should disable their decoder whenever this line is in the "high" ?}state. PIN 43 is Math Pak Disable (MPD) input from the PBI devices. This input is pulled to the "low" state whe @}never a Parallel Bus Peripheral is selected by the CPU (the enable bit in location D1FDH is set). A} ---------- SHIELD GND |-1 2-| N/C A0 |-3 4-| A1 B} A2 |-5 6-| A3 A4 |-7 8-| A5 A6 |-9 10-| A7 C} A8 |-11 12-| A9 A10 |-13 14-| A11 A12 |-15 D} 16-| A13 A14 |-17 18-| A15 D0 |-19 20-| D1 E} D2 |-21 22-| D3 D4 |-23 24-| D5 D6 |-25 26-| D7 F} EXTSEL |-27 28-| EXTENB IRQ |-29 30-| RDY B02 |-31 32-| R G}/W POR |-33 34-| PWRON COMM A |-35 36-| COMM B C H}OMM C |-37 38-| P0 MODSEN |-39 40-| REF ARP |-41 42-| ARD I} MPD |-43 44-| N/C N/C |-45 46-| N/C GND |-47 48-| GND J} AUDIO |-49 50-| SHIELD GND ---------- FIGURE K} 5.2.9 PBI Connector 3.0 Parallel Bus Devices The Parallel bus will support 3 types of devices: L} 3.1 Auto-Run Cartridges: These cartridges are functionally identical to those that plug into the cartrid M}ge slot of the S-16 except that they can be up to 32K Bytes in size (in 4K Byte increments). The top address for these N}cartridges must be BFFFH and they must assert the "AUTO-RUN PRESENT" line when inserted into the expansion box. Th O}e auto-run cartridges work under the following constraints: (a) Only one such cartridge will work at a time. P} (b) If a cartridge is present in the internal cartridge slot, the auto-run cartridge is ignored by the S-16. Q} (c) If no cartridge is present in the internal cartridge slot the auto-run cartridges operate in a manner identical to R} the cartridge slot cartridges. No additional handlers or O.S. changes are needed. (d) If an auto-run cartridge S} is present in the expansion slot, any "External Application" cartridges (See Sec. 3.3) plugged into the Expansion T}box will be disabled. (e) The Auto-run cartridges conform to the EXTSEL/EXTENB protocol (have their own decoder) U}. (f) The Auto-run cartridges must disable their decoder if the "Auto-run Disable" output of the S-16 is active. V} 3.2 Parallel Bus Peripherals (PBPs) The PBPs have the following characteristics: (a) They interface W}to the S-16 through a well defined handler/O.S. interface. The code for this interface is resident in CPU memory l X}ocation D600H to D7FFH (COMM A & COMM B areas). The ROM containing this code is physically located on the expansion box Y}. The S-16 O.S. can support up to 8 PBPs. (b) Each PBP has a unique handler that resides in the CPU memory Z} space at locations D800H to DFFFH. The ROM(s) containing the code for these handlers are physically resident on the [}respective peripheral boards (The memory space occupied by the handlers actually contains the Math-pak within the S \}-16. The Math-pak is disabled whenever any PBP is enabled. (See (c) below). (c) Locations D1FDH th ]}ru D1FFH (in COMM C space) in the CPU memory map are reserved for passing control information between the S-16 and ^}the PBPs. Location D1FDH is Slot-Select location with the following bit assignments: _}7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 --------------------------------- | X | X | X | `} X | E | I | I | I | --------------------------------- E = Enable bit. The S-16 sets this bi a}t to logic 1 whenever the O.S. wishes to communicate with a device in the slot whose I.D. is specified by III. Whe b}n the Enable bit is set to logic 1 the S-16 disables the Math-pak and maps the region from D800H to DFFFH to the expansi c}on box. The Enable bit is latched in the expansion box and it must be set to logic "0" to disable the PBPs. d} III = SLOT I.D. The S-16 O.S. can support a maximum of 8 PBPs. The slot I.D. is latched in the expansion box and a sl e}ot remains selected till a different slot I.D. is generated or the enable bit is set to logic 0. X = Don't f}Care. The Slot I.D. decoder is physically located on the expansion box. location D1FEH is Interrupt vector locat g}ion with the following bit assignments: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 h}---------------------------------- | X | X | X | X | IR | I | I | I | --------- i}------------------------- IR = Interrupt Request. This bit, when logic 1, indicates to the S-16 O.S. that a dev j}ice in the Expansion box has interrupted. When this bit is logic 0, no device in the expansion box has interrupt. k} III = is the slot I.D. of the highest priority slot that generates the interrupt. The S-16 O.S. assumes that the slo l}ts have fixed priority. The slot with an I.D. of 7 has the highest priority. X = Don't Care. The priori m}ty encoder is physically located on the expansion box. Location D1FFH is un-encoded interrupt location with the followin n}g bit assignments: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 --------------------- o}-------------------- | I7 | I6 | I5 | I4 | I3 | I2 | I1 | I0 | ---------------------- p}------------------- IX (X = 0 to 7): This bit is set to logic 1 whenever a device in slot X generat q}es an interrupt. This bit is cleared by the interrupt servicing routine for the device in slot X. The un-encode r}d interrupt location allows an application program to mask the interrupts from the specific slots. With the masking s} arrangement, an application program may ignore the fixed priority by slots and implement its own priority scheme. t} (d) A peripheral handler may respond to address in the region D800H-DFFFH only when the slot in which it resides is u}selected. Location D800H contains the device I.D. of a PBP. If a slot that contains no peripheral is selected, add v}ress D800H should return FFH as data. The peripheral handlers must conform to the EXTSEL/EXTENB protocol as w} specified in the S-16 Product Specifications. (e) A peripheral may respond to address in the region D100H to D1FCH x} only when the slot in which it resides is selected. (f) The PBPs will have priority over the SIO peripheral when y}they are addressed generically. (g) The data between the S-16 and a PBP is passed under control of the peri z}pheral handler for the PBPs. (h) The PBPs will work if an auto-run cartridge or an internal cartridge is present {} in the system. 3.3 "External Application" Cartridges: The External Application Cartridge are a generalizatio |}n of the auto-run cartridges and the PBPs. They have the following characteristics: (a) An "External Appli }}cations" Cartridge (EAC) can reside at any or all of the address in the region 4000H to BFFFH. They may respond to ~} these addresses only when "opened". (b) The EACs must be "opened" by the S-16 through the slot select location }in the same way as the PBPs. (c) The EACs must conform to the EXTENB/EXTSEL protocol. (d) The EACs must have }a "handler" (resident in locations D800H to DFFFH) that controls their operation. The EACs must conform to conditi }ons (d) and (e) of section 3.2 above. (e) The EACs will work only if no auto-run cartridge is enabled in the exp }ansion box. The EACs must input the AUTO-RUN DISABLE line to ascertain that the Auto-run cartridge is disabled before a }sserting themselves on the Expansion Bus. (f) The EACs may work even if a cartridge is present in th }e internal cartridge slot. 4.0 assumptions (a) The above description of the PBI devices assumes that the }re is a mechanism in the Expansion Box that prevents more than one auto-run cartridge from being turned on at a tim }e on the PBI. This mechanism may be a daisy chain priority scheme by slots or the auto-run cartridges may be speci }fied to work in only one of the 8 possible slots. (b) The above description also assumes that there is a power s }hut-off interlock switch on the internal cartridge door. (b) The above description also assumes that there is a power s>